Vaginal Septum

Giggles Hospital – Your Partner in Battling Vaginal Septum

A congenital disease known as a Vaginal Septum occurs when the female reproductive system does not fully develop. It refers to an internal wall of tissue that divides the vagina but is not visible from the outside. It is a gynecological disorder that causes the vagina to split in half along a wall of fibrous tissue. An individual may experience difficulties with their period, trouble inserting tampons, or difficulty engaging in vaginal sex depending on how and where the septum forms.

Many people might not become aware of their Vaginal Septum until puberty. The issue may be indicated by symptoms, including pain, discomfort, or an irregular menstrual flow. Others might not be aware of the septum until they start having sexual relations and feel discomfort. However, some women with a Vaginal Septum might not have any symptoms.

What are the symptoms of Vaginal Septum?

During a pelvic exam, a healthcare professional may identify a Vaginal Septum. Symptoms typically manifest during menstruation or sexual activity. Among the most typical signs are – 

  • No menstrual cycle or amenorrhea.
  • Lengthy menstrual cycles (more than seven days long).
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis (from blood clotting in the upper vagina or uterus).
  • Difficulty using tampons due to persistent blood leakage despite proper placement.
  • Experiencing pain during insertion or removal of a tampon.
  • Sexual discomfort and pain.
  • Inability to get pregnant.

What are the causes of Vaginal Septum?

The vaginal septa’s genetic origin is currently unknown. According to researchers, the disorder is complex, probably due to genetic mutations and environmental factors.

Müllerian abnormalities, or vaginal septa, emerge throughout fetal development. An essential part of the female reproductive system is the Müllerian ducts. The fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and the upper region of the vagina are among the reproductive tubes of the female reproductive tract that are crucial to the development of the overall reproductive system. During development, the ducts usually merge and undergo resorption, forming a hollow structure. However, if the ducts fail to unite correctly, a Vaginal Septum can occur due to their incomplete fusion.

What is the diagnosis of the Vaginal Septum?

Your doctor can usually detect a Vaginal Septum during a pelvic exam. To gain a better look at the tissue causing the blockage, they could prescribe additional imaging tests like an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Imaging scans can also assist in detecting other duplications in your reproductive system, such as two uteruses, and validate the type of septum you have.

What are the treatments for Vaginal Septum?

If an individual has no symptoms, such as pain, and the septum is not preventing menstrual flow, the septum may not need treatment.

However, a person may need therapy if the Vaginal Septum produces symptoms and impending menstrual flow. Surgical resection is the most frequent treatment method for a doctor to address a Vaginal Septum. Surgical resection, a procedure involving the removal of the fibrous septal tissue, is performed under general anesthesia. The surgery typically lasts one to three hours, allowing the individual to be asleep throughout the process.

What are the types of Vaginal Septum?

The following are the types of Vaginal Septum – 

Longitudinal Vaginal Septum

Because it forms two vaginal cavities separated by a vertical tissue wall, a longitudinal Vaginal Septum (LVS) is occasionally called a double vagina. The size of one vaginal opening may differ from the other.

Transverse Vaginal Septum

The vagina is separated into a top and bottom cavity by a transverse Vaginal Septum (TVS), which runs horizontally. It can happen in any part of the vagina. In some circumstances, it can isolate the vagina from the rest of the reproductive system entirely or partially.

Why Choose Giggles Hospitals for Best Women And Children Hospital in Vizag?

Vaginal septum can be dangerous if not treated properly. However, with proper care and surgery, you can live a normal life. For minimal risk and better care, visit Giggles Hospital. With our surgeons’ at Gynecology Hospitals, latest technologies and methods, we ensure better outcomes and enhanced patient experience. 

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Dr. V Rukmini Sowmya

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Dr. P Santha Veronica

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Dr. Batchu Sowdamini

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Frequently Asked Questions

Because a Vaginal Septum develops during fetal development, it cannot grow back. So, it cannot regenerate or grow back.

Some Vaginal Septum patients don’t experience any symptoms or health issues. They might never seek treatment and live their entire lives with a septum. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor to seek proper treatment. 

A Vaginal Septum has a few related problems. Your likelihood of having:

  1. Uterine or vaginal abnormalities.

  2. Problems with your rectum (anus) or kidneys.

  3. A challenge in getting pregnant.

Vaginal septa are uncommon. Less than .03% of babies have them.

While it is advisable to address the septum before attempting pregnancy, it is still possible to conceive. Surgical removal of the tissue responsible for the separation significantly reduces the risk of pregnancy complications, delivery challenges, and other related issues.