Bacterial vaginosis

Empowering Women in the Battle Against Bacterial Vaginosis

A bacterial overgrowth results in vaginosis (BV), a vaginal infection. There are germs in every healthy vagina. These bacteria usually work in harmony with one another. Sometimes, the “bad” bacteria become out of control and overwhelm the “good” bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis is brought on by this, which upsets the normal balance of microorganisms in the vagina.

Bacterial vaginosis can cause a fishy-smelling discharge and vaginal discomfort. However, some individuals may be asymptomatic, experiencing no BV symptoms.

What are the Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis?

Not all cases of Bacterial Vaginosis result in symptoms. But if it does, they may consist of the following – 

  • Gray or white discharge that smells fishy 
  • Irritation and pain in the vulva
  • Burning after urinating
  • Pungent vaginal discharge. 

Unprotected sexual contact can intensify the smell for some individuals as semen combines with the vaginal discharge.

What are the Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis?

Your vagina has several bacterial species, called a microbiome. An imbalance in the microorganisms might cause Bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when harmful bacteria (anaerobes) multiply faster than good bacteria (lactobacilli). An imbalance occurs when one species of bacteria is present in excess.

According to researchers, the bacteria in the vagina can be impacted by anything that alters the natural chemistry of the vagina. Because of this, some behaviors, such as douching or unprotected sex, might result in BV. Hot tubs, swimming pools, and toilet seats cannot cause BV. Contacting a surface touched by someone with BV does not transmit the disease to another individual.

How is Bacterial Vaginosis Diagnosed?

Your doctor might do the following to identify bacterial vaginosis –

Inquire About your Medical Background

Your doctor may ask about your history of previous vaginal infections or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Examine the Pelvis

During a pelvic exam, your doctor visually examines the vagina for infection and palpates the pelvic organs by inserting two fingers into the vagina and pressing the abdomen to detect any signs of disease.

Use Vaginal Secretions for Testing

This could be done to examine your vaginal flora for an overabundance of anaerobic bacteria. Your doctor may use a microscope to look for “clue cells,” which are vaginal cells covered in bacteria and indicative of bacterial vaginosis.

Do a Vaginal pH Test

Bacterial vaginosis can be identified by a vaginal pH of 4.5 or above. Your doctor can determine the acidity level by inserting a pH test strip into the vagina.

How is Bacterial Vaginosis Treated?

Some bacterial vaginosis cases resolve on their own without medical intervention. However, some individuals need to take prescription antibiotics that can be found as pills or gels.

Follow your doctor’s antibiotic instructions diligently, even if symptoms improve rapidly. If symptoms persist 2-3 days after completing the course, consult your healthcare provider.

Although it’s best to visit your doctor if you have BV, you can do a few things on your own to help the illness get better. These consist of the following –

  • Eating foods high in probiotics, such as yogurt with live and active cultures
  • Taking a probiotic supplement
  • Donning breathable, loose-fitting cotton underwear
  • Maintaining good vaginal cleanliness
  • Where possible, use unscented tampons and unscented soaps.

Why Choose Giggles Hospitals?

Bacterial vaginosis is typically not a severe condition, but seeking medical attention is crucial for proper healing. For superior treatment, consider visiting Giggles Hospitals for Women And Children Hospital in Vizag where you can receive comprehensive care and expert guidance. Rest assured that your health and well-being are their top priorities.

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Dr. Batchu Sowdamini

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Frequently Asked Questions

Untreated or persistent BV, particularly in individuals with STIs like HIV, chlamydia, or gonorrhea, can increase the risk of acquisition. Pregnant individuals with BV also face an elevated risk of preterm birth. Visit at Giggles Gynecology Hospitals, for timely and appropriate treatment is crucial in managing these risks.

 It usually goes away on its own. However, if it does not go away and is left untreated, STIs, such as HIV, chlamydia, or gonorrhea, might develop. 

The infection is often eradicated after one course of antibiotics for up to seven days. 10% to 15% of patients require additional treatment.

Do not touch or use fragranced goods in your vagina or vulva. These can alter your vaginal pH, which increases your susceptibility to BV.

Prematurely ending treatment increases the likelihood of recurrence. Even with treatment, bacterial vaginosis often recurs within three to twelve months.