Anterior Prolapse (Cystocele)

Leading the Way in Anterior Prolapse (Cystocele) Treatment

A cystocele, often called an anterior vaginal prolapse or a prolapsed bladder, occurs when the bladder slips out of its normal position in the pelvis and presses against the vaginal wall. The pelvic floor muscles hold the organs of the pelvis, such as the bladder, uterus, and intestines, in place. When the pelvic floor weakens or is subjected to excessive pressure, anterior prolapse happens. Over time, vaginal childbirth, chronic constipation, violent coughing, or heavy lifting are all examples of what can cause this.

Anterior prolapses are usually treatable. Nonsurgical treatment is frequently successful for mild or moderate prolapse. Surgery may be required in more severe circumstances to preserve the vagina and other pelvic organs in their position.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Anterior Prolapse (Cystocele)?

You might not experience symptoms or see any indicators of anterior prolapse in moderate situations. When they appear, signs and symptoms may include:

  • A sensation of heaviness or pressure in your vagina and pelvis
  • A visible or palpable tissue protrusion within the vaginal region
  • Heightened pelvic pressure when stooping, coughing, hunching over, or lifting
  • Symptoms of urinary difficulties include difficulty initiating urination, incomplete bladder emptying, persistent urge to urinate, and urinary incontinence (unintentional urine leakage)
  • After prolonged standing, signs and symptoms are frequently more evident and may disappear when you lie down.

What are the Causes of Anterior Prolapse?

Causes of anterior prolapse can include age-related deterioration of muscles and tendons, which may weaken over time, leading to the condition. However, chronic stress or trauma can cause anterior vaginal prolapse or cystocele at any age. Labour is the most frequent cause of this ailment. People who frequently experience constipation or have a chronic cough also experience it. It might also happen in individuals with underlying illnesses like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or after pelvic surgery.

How is Anterior Prolapse Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of anterior prolapse includes the following –

  • Pelvic Exam – During a pelvic exam, you will be positioned lying down or standing upright. The healthcare provider will visually inspect the vagina for bulging tissue, which is indicative of anterior prolapse. You may be asked to assume a position as if having a bowel movement to assess the extent of prolapse. Additionally, you will be instructed to contract your pelvic muscles, resembling the action of stopping urination, to evaluate their strength and functionality. 
  • Questionnaires – You will be given a form, or the doctors might directly ask you some questions regarding the condition. This is to understand how much it has affected your life. 
  • Urine and Bladder Tests – You might undergo a test to determine how fully and effectively your bladder empties if you have a major prolapse. If you’re holding more pee in your bladder than usual after urinating, your doctor may also test a urine sample to search for indications of a bladder infection.

What are the Treatments for Anterior Prolapse?

Treatment is based on your symptoms, the severity of your anterior prolapse, and any associated disorders you may have, such as urinary incontinence or several types of pelvic organ prolapse. In cases of mild anterior prolapse with minimal or no symptoms, treatment may not be necessary. Your doctor may recommend a wait-and-watch approach, scheduling periodic appointments to monitor the prolapse.

Pelvic Muscle Exercise

The first treatment our doctors at Women And Children Hospital in Vizag will recommend a pelvic muscle exercises, also known as Kegel exercises. It helps strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to support your bladder and other organs. Your therapist can advise you on how to do the exercise, ensuring you’re doing it right. 

A Supportive Device (Pessary)

A vaginal pessary is made of plastic or rubber put into the vagina. It provides support to your pelvic muscles. Although a pessary cannot correct or cure prolapse, it can help with symptoms. Your healthcare providers will help you understand how to clean and re-insert the device. 


When the above method does not work, our doctors at Gynecologist hospital will advise you to undergo surgery to fix the prolapse. The doctors lift the prolapse and stitch it back into place during the surgery. A special tissue graft is used in the vaginal tissue to increase support. In anterior prolapse, the doctors advise you to remove the uterus and repair the damaged pelvic floor muscle, ligaments, and other tissues. 

Why Choose Giggles Hospitals?

Anterior prolapse is not life-threatening but can cause severe pain and discomfort. Thus, it is important to see a medical healthcare provider. Book an appointment with us to ensure you are properly taken care of. At Giggles Hospitals for Best women’s hospital near me ,you can expect comprehensive care and specialized treatment to address your anterior prolapse and improve your well-being.

Our Doctors

Dr. V Rukmini Sowmya

Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Cosmetic Gynecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon View Profile
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Dr. P Santha Veronica

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Dr. Batchu Sowdamini

Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist View Profile
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Dr. Padmaja S

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Frequently Asked Questions

If exercise and pessaries don’t work, your doctor might recommend you undergo surgery to treat anterior prolapse. 

Cough, increased pelvic pressure when you strain, problems in urinating, etc., are the complications of anterior prolapse.

Self-care medications and exercises do not cure prolapse but minimize the symptoms and pain. 

Aerobic exercises like walking, running, and cycling are best for prolapse, as they reduce pain and strengthen pelvic muscles. 

Many women do not require surgery, as it does not interfere with their daily activities. However, it is important to get involved in physical activities.