Leukaemia in children: Understanding and Managing the Condition

Published on October 25, 2023

Introduction Leukaemia is a cancer that affects white blood cells, which are a component of blood. It can develop in children and teenagers and is the most common type of cancer observed in the younger population. White blood cells are produced in the bone marrow, along with other blood cells. Leukaemia also originates in the bone marrow and spreads through the bloodstream, replacing healthy white blood cells. Since white blood cells play a crucial role

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Safe Tips to Treat Headaches During Pregnancy

Published on October 10, 2023

Experiencing a headache during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, is normal. However, when combined with the other uncomfortable symptoms and experiences of pregnancy, having a headache is concerning. Managing headaches can also present a challenging effort, as avoiding medicines may be necessary, particularly in the first trimester. The good news is that there are alternative methods to naturally manage a headache without resorting to pain-relieving medications. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware of

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Mouth Breathing: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Published on October 3, 2023

The term “mouth breathing” describes breathing through the mouth as opposed to the nose. Many parents think mouth breathing is fine, won’t hurt kids, and believe that most kids will outgrow it. Mouth breathing is not a concern if it occurs occasionally and has a clear cause, such as a bad cold with sinus congestion. However, if a child is constantly breathing through their mouth, that’s a cause for concern.  Mouth breathing has several health

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10 Benefits of Birth Control Beyond Preventing Pregnancy

Published on September 30, 2023

Hormonal birth control in the form of pills is available to help females avoid unwanted pregnancy. Non-hormonal pills in other forms, such as barriers, can also be effective. However, birth control pills offer many additional benefits that other birth control methods do not. Additionally, other methods like IUDs and implants also offer benefits beyond preventing pregnancy. Let’s explore 10 benefits of birth control beyond pregnancy prevention. 1. Regularity in the menstrual cycle Hormonal birth control

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