Tips For Normal Delivery

February 12th, 2024 | 7:36 am


The arrival of a new baby is one of life’s most profound and magical moments. After months of anticipation throughout pregnancy, the day finally comes when it is time to welcome a little one into the world. The process of labour and delivery presents both tremendous excitement and significant physical and emotional challenges for an expectant mother. While every woman hopes for a smooth, complication-free childbirth, the reality often involves unexpected twists and turns. In some cases, the expectant mothers have to get a c-section for delivery, which generally carries more risks than normal delivery. But there are things they can do to improve their chances of having a normal delivery. 

Aim for a Smooth, Vaginal Delivery

A vaginal or ‘normal’ delivery enables a woman to actively participate as her body progresses through the natural stages of childbirth, involving contractions and pushing. Recovery time also tends to be faster compared to a C-section delivery, which is a surgical technique. For these reasons, most mothers hope to achieve a normal, vaginal birth. While a C-section becomes medically necessary in certain situations, certain steps taken during pregnancy can help increase the likelihood of avoiding it. 

10 Tips for a Normal Delivery

The following preparations during the 9 months of pregnancy help ensure a smooth labour and safe vaginal delivery: 

Reduce Stress 

  • It’s well established that unrelenting maternal stress negatively impacts pregnancy health and birth outcomes. 
  • Finding positive and proactive ways to manage anxiety and overwhelm makes a significant difference. 
  • Talk openly with supportive friends and family, practice relaxing activities like yoga and meditation, journal, and limit interactions with negative people or situations. 
  • Addressing emotions in a constructive manner better equips you to handle challenges down the road.

Eat a Nutritious Diet 

  • Nutrient-rich whole foods including leafy greens, lean proteins, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and antioxidant-packed fruits and veggies provide the best dietary foundation for mother and baby. 
  • These foods deliver optimal energy, ward off pregnancy-related anaemia, and support proper foetal development. 
  • Stay hydrated by drinking at least 80-100 ounces of fluids daily.

Stay Active 

  • Exercising regularly keeps muscles toned for the labour, encourages proper foetal positioning, and boosts emotional health to boot. 
  • Focus on around 30 minutes of medium activity for a couple of days. 
  • Walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, and light strength training are great options. 
  • Talk to your medical provider about any limitations to exercises.

4. Educate Yourself

  • Seeking out information on labour and the entire birth process can make you more informed, empowered, and less fearful. 
  • Consider enrolling in childbirth classes offered by hospitals or independent organisations. 
  • Go through techniques for relaxing during contractions, managing pain naturally, and pushing effectively. 
  • Knowledge helps be better prepared for the procedure. 

Get Adequate Sleep 

  • A well-rested mom can better handle the demands of giving birth. 
  • For quality sleep, employ strategies such as sleeping propped up to minimise heartburn, sticking to a consistent pre-bed routine, and limiting fluids right before bedtime to reduce middle-of-the-night bathroom trips. 
  • Nap during the day if possible to make up for lost sleep at night.

Get Support 

  • Surrounding yourself with encouraging partners, family, friends and specialists during pregnancy, childbirth and beyond provides critical physical and emotional backup at every point of the childbirth process. 
  • Confirm that your labour coach or spouse shares your vision for a normal delivery and can actively assist with pain relief techniques. 
  • Consider hiring a doula – a professional trained in childbirth support. 
  • Doulas offer information, pain management, reassurance and can negotiate medical questions to further advocate on your behalf.

Consider a Labor AssistantDoula

  • A doula provides professional guidance before and during childbirth to support achieving the healthiest outcome.
  • Doulas equip women and their partners with knowledge about what to expect during labour as well as coping strategies to avail. 
  • The continuous support a doula provides during active labour reduces the likelihood of needing medical interventions.
  • Research shows women who take aid of a doula have shorter labours, fewer C-sections and lesser need for pain medications or epidurals.

Discuss Birth Preferences Early On 

  • Arrange an extended prenatal visit with your doctor or midwife to discuss and define your preferred birth plan, while also being open to necessary adjustments as needed.
  • Discuss your preferences such as having freedom to walk around, intermittent foetal monitoring, positions conducive to progressing labour, temperature regulation and permission to drink fluids – all factors that may reduce the chances of needing a surgical delivery. 
  • Ask questions to reveal the provider’s experience with and attitudes toward natural childbirth. 
  • This upfront dialogue sets the tone for optimal collaboration and safety all around.

9. Create a Birth Plan

  • Once you’ve discussed your priorities with your care team, formally documenting your birth preferences provides essential guidance for decision-making during key moments.
  • Writing them down allows them to understand your choices about specific details – the atmosphere, who will participate, pain relief options preferred, what to do in case of complications or procedures like episiotomy, and care instructions related to the baby following birth. 
  • While you can’t control everything, conveying your preferences empowers you to have a voice in a process where you can feel frighteningly out of control when labour intensifies.

 Revel in the Journey 

  • As the miraculous day comes nearer – when you will finally meet your baby, try to enjoy the remaining days of your pregnancy journey. 
  • Take care of your mind, body, using these research-backed techniques for the best chance at ensuring a normal delivery. 
  • However, it’s important to also prepare mentally for the unpredictability of birth, which doesn’t always align with specific visions. 

When to See Your Medical Provider

While executing positive practices throughout pregnancy certainly helps promote the chances of a normal birth, it’s critical to remain engaged with your healthcare provider every step of the journey. Contact your doctor or midwife promptly for:

  • Unmanageable emotions like anxiety or sadness arise
  • Concerning symptoms signalling potential complications flare up
  • Questions regarding your hopes for labour and birth
  • The arrival of labour itself – ruptured membranes or regular contractions

No matter how carefully you plan, childbirth often veers in unexpected directions. Some scenarios requiring medical intervention result from non-preventable issues arising suddenly during pregnancy or labour itself. That’s why maintaining an open and responsive collaborative relationship with your OB-GYN or nurse midwife provides essential reassurance. Never hesitate to call them with pressing concerns.


While you cannot entirely control every aspect of your childbirth experience, the way you take care of your emotional and physical well-being during pregnancy can play a significant role in keeping you healthy, promoting chances of a normal delivery, and preventing any complications in the journey. By clearly communicating your preferences to healthcare providers and advocating for your care when needed, you’ll be providing your baby with the best possible start as they make their anticipated arrival.

Try to embrace the wonder of this life-altering event as you stand poised to welcome your little one into the world! Regardless of any unexpected twists in the journey, the ultimate reward is found in celebrating the arrival of a new soul into the universe and the expansion of your heart.