Monsoon Health Tips for Your Baby: Keeping Them Safe and Sound

August 15th, 2023 | 6:25 pm


The arrival of the monsoon season gives relief from the scorching temperatures of summer. However, the rainy season may also bring with it major health problems, as infections, allergies, and other diseases are at their worst during this time of year. Babies who are sensitive to even the slightest variations in the weather may find it extremely uncomfortable. First-time parents must exercise extreme caution at this time, as their child may be at risk from hidden bacteria, germs, and the changing weather. During the monsoon season, infants are more susceptible to developing colds, coughs, fevers, allergies, fungal infections, etc.

Parents should take extra steps to protect their newborns from infection, as they are more likely to become ill on rainy days. We have some essential tips for baby care in the monsoon season in this article. If you’re new to parenthood, you might be worried about how to keep your child healthy throughout this rainy season while also protecting them from allergies and infections.

Dressing Your Baby Appropriately

Monsoon season brings about two significant changes to the environment. Rain drops the temperature in that area and allows heat that has been contained to escape. Additionally, this leads to an increase in air humidity. This odd mix causes you to experience both cold and heat simultaneously. Maintaining the space’s temperature and dressing your kid in layers are the best ways to deal with monsoon humidity and erratic temperatures.

It is recommended for you to let your child wear clothes made of thick cotton or light fabrics that contain some wool. Make sure that all of your baby’s clothing, including their monsoon baby shoes, is dry and free of moisture. Steer clear of synthetic garments that could cause rashes.

Maintaining Hygiene and Cleanliness

The primary entry point for germs into your and your children’s bodies is through the hands. Make sure to constantly wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before handling the infant. The same should be done for your child’s hands as well, particularly if they roam around. In order to eliminate any perspiration that can develop on your infant due to humidity during the monsoon season, wipe them often. To keep your infant clean, you might also bathe them three times each week in warm water. Make sure to clean every room in your house, including your garden, bathrooms, balcony, and any other place where water could accumulate and stagnate. Try to keep every piece of gear and toys that the baby can access dry and clean on a regular basis.

Protecting Against Mosquitoes and Insect Bites

Mosquito bites can cause major pain for the infant and result in numerous red swellings. For your baby’s cot, get a mosquito net to ensure their sound sleep. To prevent mosquitoes from entering your bedroom, make sure the windows have mesh nets. Using natural insect repellents is another option if you have some on hand. Do not take kids on walks in the evening because there will be many mosquitoes around. If you do venture outside, though, make sure your child is dressed in long sleeves, and that you have natural insect repellent with you.

Preventing Waterborne Diseases

During the monsoon season, the risk of contracting a waterborne disease rises, and polluted water may end up in your water supply. Make sure they consume filtered, pure water. You can help get rid of harmful germs and viruses by boiling the water or using a water filter. Encourage children not to drink outside-sourced juice or water since it might be contaminated.

Ensure that the meals you provide for an older infant who has begun eating semi-solids or solids are freshly prepared. Ensure kids eat warm, prepared meals to prevent foodborne infections. During the rainy season, humidity can encourage the formation of mould in infant bottles and food. Before giving your infant a bottle, make sure it is mould-free, and that you are regularly sterilising it with warm water. To lower the risk of stomach illnesses, consume fewer snacks and street food items.

Managing Humidity and Dampness

Maintain sufficient ventilation in the room to ensure fresh air movement. To prevent the formation of mould and fungus, which flourish in moist settings, make sure your living areas have adequate ventilation. To preserve dryness, open windows and use fans or dehumidifiers.

Even though diapers may be changed often, the air’s humidity makes it difficult for anything, including everyday clothing, to dry quickly. This results in garments that feel cold to the touch when worn or in slightly damp nappies. Use a really hot iron to go over this clothing before putting them away so that it doesn’t work against you and make your child extra cold. The garments will become really comfy to wear since this will eliminate the moisture and make them somewhat warmer. Allow your infant to go diaper-free as often as possible at home. For further protection of the mattress and other surfaces, use quick-dry sheets.

Boosting Immunity Through Nutrition

It’s crucial to take additional measures while feeding your infant during the rainy season. Diets should include a variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, particularly foods high in vitamin C, which is necessary to promote immunity. Even certain foods must be avoided to preserve their health. Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables should be included in your child’s diet. Your kid will benefit from eating foods high in protein, such as fish, eggs, seeds, almonds, and pulses. These protein-rich foods are beneficial for your infant.

Regular Vaccinations and Check-ups

You need to speak with your doctor about any possible immunizations for your infant if it is pouring outside so you can take care of your child while it is raining a lot. Children are also more prone to disease during the monsoon. Food poisoning, dengue fever, flu, typhoid, hepatitis, malaria, and other infections are just a few of the illnesses that are more prevalent during the rainy season. Therefore, parents should vaccinate their children before or during the rainy season to prevent infections.

It is advised to give your infant a flu booster to increase their immunity throughout the monsoon season. With these vaccinations, your infant can avoid vomiting, diarrhoea, colds, coughs, and fevers. Typhoid and hepatitis A vaccines, which are both administered as single doses, are also effective in avoiding these types of water- and food-borne illnesses. Receiving a booster vaccine might be quite helpful if your child has not yet completed their schedule or has lower immunity than others.

Recognizing and Managing Common Monsoon Illnesses

A wide range of illnesses can be spread by the humid and hot weather. In comparison to the rest of the year, your kid will be more likely to contract a cold or the flu during the monsoon, which might result in a fever. These are diseases that spread readily from one person to another and are infectious. Keep some simple medications on hand so you can stop any potential damage.

Mosquitoes are risky infection carriers as well. During the monsoon, they swarm close to dwellings. You should always use a mosquito net to safeguard your child, as insects may spread a broad variety of diseases. Keep in mind that you should never provide any medicine to your child without first visiting a doctor.

Seeking Medical Attention

A monsoon-induced sickness, which indicates the onset of a viral infection such as a cold, sneezing, fever, etc., may harm your infant since they have a higher risk of falling sick. In light of this, seek medical attention right away if you find that your child is becoming congested and coughing.


The monsoon season can be difficult for new parents since newborns often become sick and may require more care and attention. With these baby care during monsoon season, we hope that you and your little one can make the most of the weather while still ensuring your baby’s health. By remembering the aforementioned recommendations and exercising caution, you can make sure that your infant has a memorable and enjoyable monsoon season. Keep in mind that keeping things tidy is your top concern right now.

Giggles Hospital is a full-fledged medical facility built specifically for paediatric and young adult patients. It is one of the most sought-after children’s hospitals, with a staff of skilled medical professionals and trained support workers who are dedicated to supporting the healthy growth and development of your child. We provide diagnostic and treatment services for a wide range of paediatric acute symptoms, including cough, cold, flu, and other infections due to the monsoon.