Managing Typhoid in Children: Tips for Parents

July 21st, 2023 | 7:09 am


Typhoid fever is a contagious disease caused by ingesting food or touching the mouth after handling contaminated surfaces. Typhoid is caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi, which may cause flu-like symptoms in children, such as fever along with diarrhea. Typhoid may be treated with antibiotics, but prompt diagnosis and treatment are necessary; otherwise, it may turn into a life-threatening condition.

Understanding Typhoid in Children

Typhoid or typhoid fever is caused by an infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi, which infects the stomach and small intestines. It may cause fever, diarrhea, and severe stomach ache, among other symptoms. Typhoid-causing bacteria may be spread by contaminated food and surfaces that have come into contact with a carrier. Typhoid may be more prevalent in areas where modern sanitation is not available. Children are more vulnerable to typhoid than adults.

Typhoid infection may occur when children are exposed to surfaces contaminated with the bacteria, or when they consume contaminated food or drink. Once the bacteria gets inside the body, it can quickly multiply and spread into the bloodstream. Children can also contract a typhoid infection from drinking untreated water or by coming into contact with the hands of people who have not washed their hands after using the bathroom or restroom.

Recognizing Symptoms of Typhoid in Children

Typhoid fever in children may occur suddenly or develop over a few weeks. The disease may cause diarrhea along with fever. There may also be stomach aches and pain a few weeks after exposure. Children may experience high fever, which can progressively worse over days and even weeks if left untreated.

Typhoid in child symptoms may include one or more of the following:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Headache and stomachache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Muscle aches
  • Faint pink spots on the chest or stomach
  • Swelling or bloating

If left untreated, the fever and other typhoid in child symptoms can last for a month or longer and lead to life-threatening situations. With proper treatment, typhoid symptoms in children may start subsiding within the third or fourth week

Seeking Medical Care and Diagnosis

Early diagnosis and treatment are extremely crucial in the case of typhoid fever in children. They tend to be more sensitive and may not have fully developed immune systems to help them fight off infections or experience milder symptoms. Distinguishing typhoid fever from a normal fever in children requires a proper evaluation by a doctor.

When visiting the doctor, parents or caregivers may be asked about the child’s recent travel history and symptoms experienced. The doctor may also perform a physical examination using a stethoscope and request certain lab tests to diagnose typhoid fever.

For the lab tests, the doctor may collect the following samples:

  • Blood sample
  • Stool sample
  • Urine sample
  • Bone marrow sample
  • Skin cells

Additionally, the doctor may perform other tests such as imaging studies like X-rays of the chest to examine changes inside the body. In some cases, the doctor may use typhoid DNA and antibody tests to diagnose typhoid in suspected cases.

Treatment Options for Typhoid in Children

Usually, typhoid fever can be treated with antibiotics. However, in some cases, certain bacterial strains may develop resistance to antibiotics, necessitating alternative forms of treatment. Specific antibiotics tailored to the identified bacterial strain can be administered after conducting strain testing. It’s crucial to follow the doctor’s recommended duration for the course of medication; stopping too soon may leave the risk of bacteria remaining in the body.

Drinking ample amounts of water is necessary to replenish fluids lost due to diarrhea. Children with typhoid may require supportive care and hospitalization if their symptoms recede and reappear or if they develop any new symptoms. Hospitalization and monitoring can help assess the effectiveness of medications and treatment and manage any simultaneous complications or new symptoms that may arise.

Preventing the Spread of Typhoid

Prevention is better than cure, especially in the case of typhoid. Here are some tips to avoid getting typhoid and spreading it to others in case of infection:

  • Practice good hygiene, such as washing hands frequently, especially after using the bathroom, and covering the mouth when coughing.
  • Provide the child with their own napkins, towels, and other related items to restrict the spread from them to others.
  • Dispose of used items safely in the garbage bin.
  • Clean and dry hands properly after touching utensils and objects used by the child.
  • Don’t let your child touch other people’s food.
  • Wash clothes and linen in hot water using detergent or soap.
  • Drink safely treated water and maintain sanitation by washing hands before eating or preparing food after the infection has passed.
  • Vaccination is extremely important in preventing typhoid. Two types of vaccines for children are available in India. One type of vaccine may be given to infants aged 6 months.

Supporting Your Child’s Recovery

As a parent, it can be debilitating to watch your child suffer due to typhoid fever. You can take some steps to support and provide relief during their recovery time:

  • Providing a balanced diet and making sure they’re taking enough fluids.
  • Ensuring they are taking the recommended medications properly for the entire prescribed duration.
  • Allowing them ample time to rest.
  • Providing emotional support throughout the recovery period.

Communicating with School and Other Parents

When your child is suffering from typhoid, it is important to communicate the same with the child’s schoolmates and teachers. Talking to their teachers about isolation to restrict the spread of typhoid may be necessary. Additionally, educating and communicating about typhoid and prevention methods to other parents may help them immunize their children against typhoid.


Typhoid can be prevented with the help of vaccines and by taking proper precautionary steps. However, it is important to seek medical attention for prompt diagnosis and treatment in case of typhoid fever in children. Once contracted, typhoid may be treated with antibiotics and requires care at home for proper recovery and regaining strength after the infection has passed.
Get treated by the best doctors for Typhoid Treatment at Giggles Hospital, where we are committed to providing the best preventive and corrective care for a wide range of illnesses in children, including typhoid. Our diagnostic services help diagnose typhoid symptoms in children promptly and accurately to ensure proper treatment and set preventive measures for recovery. Trust Giggles Hospitals when it comes to Typhoid fever Diagnosis & treatment. Book your appointment today.