Male Fertility Diet: Foods to Boost Sperm Count

February 29th, 2024 | 6:33 am

Most people dream of having a family, but the growing infertility issues have made it difficult for several people to bear children of their own. Infertility is more prevalent than you might imagine. It affects around one out of every six couples. Experts believe that one out of three instances of infertility issues in couples can be attributed to fertility problems in the male spouse. Male infertility is a prevalent issue that affects millions worldwide. However, emerging research suggests that dietary habits play a crucial role in boosting male reproductive health, offering hope for those struggling with fertility issues. 

What is Male Infertility?

Men contribute to 40% of the total infertility cases. This highlights the significance of taking care of men’s reproductive health. Male infertility is the inability of a man to impregnate his female partner, even after engaging in frequent, unprotected sex for a minimum of one year. It may be caused by various factors, such as poor sperm production, abnormal sperm function, or obstructions that prevent sperm from being delivered. Male infertility may be more likely in people who have had genital infections, testicular injuries, or early or late puberty. 

Is Declining Sperm Count a Problem?

In recent decades, studies have reported a concerning trend: a decline in sperm count and quality among men in many parts of the world. Many medical experts believe that several factors contribute to the condition, with inadequate nutrition and food and global pollution being two of the most significant ones, even if there hasn’t been a single, conclusive explanation that everyone agrees upon. Medical specialists have conducted several research studies that demonstrate the detrimental effects of some diets on sperm production. Factors such as environmental toxins, sedentary lifestyles, stress, and poor dietary choices have been implicated in this decline. A low sperm count can significantly reduce the chances of conception, making it a pressing concern for couples trying to conceive.

Which Nutrients Are Essential for Male Fertility?

Nutrients are essential in order to develop and grow. Optimal male reproductive health relies on a variety of nutrients that support sperm production, motility, and morphology.  These nutrients play crucial roles in protecting sperm from oxidative damage, maintaining hormonal balance, and supporting overall reproductive function. Nutrients essential to maintain male fertility are: 

  • Folate – Folate helps in the synthesis and operation of red blood cells, particularly during spermatogenesis. Low folate levels can prevent sperm from replicating properly, which lowers sperm counts. Whole grains, fruit, and dark leafy vegetables all contain this natural form of vitamin B9.
  • Zinc – Low zinc levels can have a significant impact on testosterone levels and sperm count, potentially leading to infertility as zinc is a necessary mineral for DNA synthesis and immune system function. Consuming foods high in zinc, such as meat, fish, eggs, legumes, and whole grains, can be beneficial.
  • Omega-3 – The synthesis of new cells and the general health of blood vessels, sperm, and organs are all aided by omega-3 fatty acids. They support healthy sperm cells and can be found in nuts, shellfish, and plant oils.
  • Vitamin B12 – The synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and blood health are both aided by vitamin B12. This influences the development of the motility and amount of sperm. Low-fat cheese and yogurt, poultry, and egg yolks are among the foods high in vitamin B12.
  • B-Complex – All the vitamins in the B group are collectively referred to as the B-Complex, including thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid (B9), and cobalamin (B12). They help safeguard and enhance overall health, including sperm health.

Foods that Can Boost Sperm Count

Some vital nutrients that might increase male fertility have already been addressed. Let’s now look at how foods rich in these nutrients can help raise sperm count naturally: 

Eggs: Given their high protein content, eggs are a beneficial means of increasing sperm count. The nutrients of an egg increase fertility by assisting in the development of healthier, stronger sperm. Rich in protein, B vitamins, and zinc, eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients essential for sperm production. Additionally, eggs contain choline, a nutrient linked to improved sperm motility.

Spinach: Folic acid is necessary for the proper growth of sperm. Leafy vegetables are high in folic acid, and spinach is an excellent supplement to add in your diet. Packed with folate, iron, and antioxidants, spinach supports healthy sperm production and protects against DNA damage.

Bananas: High in vitamin C, potassium, and bromelain, bananas can enhance sperm viability and motility while also supporting prostate health. The vitamins A, B1, and C found in bananas aid in the body’s production of more robust and healthy sperm cells. These vitamins also affect sperm production.

Dark Chocolate: Rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, dark chocolate can improve sperm quality by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. An amino acid called L-arginine HCl, which has been shown to support increased sperm counts and volumes, is abundant in dark chocolate. Sperm counts can be somewhat increased by consumption of dark chocolate in monitored amounts.

Walnuts: Nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats. For sperm cells to produce their cell membrane, healthy fat is necessary. Because they encourage blood flow to the testicles, these omega-3 fatty acids also aid in increasing the amount of sperm. Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and arginine, walnuts support sperm quality and motility while also promoting overall cardiovascular health.

Garlic: Garlic is a common addition to diet as a means of boosting sperm motility. S-allyl cysteine, a chemical found in garlic, has been demonstrated in studies to increase sperm count and testosterone production.

Fenugreek: Fenugreek is frequently found in supplements for male fertility. This plant can increase sperm motility and count, as well as increase a person’s desire for sex. Testosterone production is increased when fenugreek seeds are consumed.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain a substance called phytosterol, which has been shown to enhance the body’s synthesis of testosterone. This contributes to an increase in fertility and sperm count. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are also included in these seeds, enhance blood circulation and boost semen volume.

Foods to Avoid that May Decrease Sperm Health 

The following is a list of items to stay away from that might cause infertility issues in men of all ages:

  • Soy products: If you’re trying to conceive, soy might not be the best choice. This is because isoflavones, which have an oestrogenic action, are present in considerable numbers in soy. As a result, the estrogen levels in the body rise, and testosterone falls as a result. 
  • Processed meats: Sperm quality might drop by up to 23% when processed meats are consumed. And males who eat a lot of processed meat also have sperm that is around 30% more likely to be malformed.  
  • Carbonated drinks: Cokes, energy drinks, and carbonated beverages can decrease sperm motility and count, which can lead to problems with male fertility. Furthermore, the high sugar content in colas and aerated beverages can raise oxidative stress levels in the body, further damaging the DNA of sperm.
  • Dairy products high in fat content: Although dairy products are often thought to be quite healthy, new research has shown that high-fat dairy products, such as cheese and full-cream milk, can adversely affect the reproductive system in men. These have the potential to reduce both sperm motility and count. 


Male infertility is a widespread condition that impacts a large number of males globally. One thing men may do to boost their fertility is fix their dietary habits. But it’s important to keep in mind that food is only one factor impacting male reproductive health. Those who are having problems getting their partners pregnant should speak with medical specialists for individualized guidance and treatment choices. Giggles Hospitals is dedicated to providing cutting-edge reproductive therapies and compassionate care to individuals and couples to help them conceive without hassles.