11 Ways to Manage Stress During Fertility Treatment

November 18th, 2023 | 10:11 am

Pregnancy and its preparation are life-changing experiences, especially when undergoing treatment for infertility. Being anxious and worried is a natural response to a stressful situation. However, all of this anxiety can take a toll on one’s mental and physical health. To ensure the success of fertility treatment, it is important to keep stress at bay, as stress can hinder the improvement of fertility and affect the outcomes of fertility treatments. Therefore, at the Giggles Hospital, we strive to help couples cope with stress and anxiety while undergoing fertility treatments to enhance the outcomes and produce better results.

We have compiled a list of 11 useful things to do to manage stress while undergoing fertility treatment.

11 Ways to Manage Stress During Fertility Treatment

Conception and pregnancy are stressful times, especially when using fertility treatments to conceive. Thinking about potential complications, it can be challenging to focus on physical and mental well-being. Here are 11 useful tips to manage stress and anxiety during this period and infuse it with positivity to enhance the outcomes of fertility treatments.

1. Meditate

    There’s nothing like meditation to alleviate stress and anxiety, but it can be challenging to concentrate with a million thoughts racing through your mind. Meditation helps clear mental clutter, brings clarity of thought, and keeps you grounded in the present. It allows you to pause and focus on life’s important aspects without unnecessary worry.

    To start practising meditation, choose a quiet spot at home away from all distractions for better concentration. If that doesn’t work, consider joining meditation workshops to practise with a group. 

    2. Practice Yoga

    Just like meditation, yoga is another well-known stress management technique. Incorporating stretching exercises and rhythmic breathing helps calm the mind and promotes a sense of ease in both the mind and body. However, during fertility treatment, it’s important to avoid strenuous workouts. Opt for moderate yoga, with or without a companion, according to your preference. If desired, practising yoga in a natural setting can enhance mindfulness and stress relief.

    3. Eat Healthy

    Not only is food important to keep patients healthy while undergoing fertility treatments, but it also affects the mood and temperament of an individual. It is quite probable that people may neglect their health in general and not be mindful of what they eat while dealing with the stress of fertility treatment. Stress can cause a person to binge on unhealthy foods, which can lead to weight gain and indirectly affect treatments, while also causing a number of health problems. Therefore, even if it takes a lot of effort to eat healthy and at the right time, it is the right thing to do to be able to welcome healthy little ones into the world.

    If confusion arises about what to eat and when to eat, it is best to seek consultation with a certified dietitian for the best care. Additionally, it is important not to forget to stay hydrated no matter the season. Dehydration can also impair clarity of thought and concentration. Therefore, a healthy balanced diet should be complemented with ample hydration.

    4. Sleep Enough & Rest Well

    Constant stress and worry can cause burnout and fatigue. Taking enough rest and sleep is important to keep the body up and running, as well as to take care of one’s mental well-being.

    5. Take a Walk

    Sometimes, just taking a walk in nature can be extremely helpful. Walking or jogging has been known to be quite effective in reducing stress while keeping the body healthy and active. These activities help increase the production of hormones that help keep stress low. Walking and jogging also elevate mood and make one feel refreshed and charged up with renewed energy.

    6. Consider Stress Management Therapies

    Sometimes, physical massage therapies can help relieve stress and tension, especially when performed by a professional. Massage therapies have been proven to alleviate stress during fertility treatments. However, it is best to work with a certified professional to ensure the best care.

    7. Share Mental Health Concerns

    Talking and sharing can be immensely helpful in stress management, whether with a professional or just with a good listener. Reach out to a friend or family member, and share your concerns, or spend some time together. The feelings of trust and support from friends and family can be a huge impetus to move forward on the journey to parenthood.

    8. Stay Informed

    Sometimes, knowing more about the infertility issues faced can help keep unwanted worrying at bay. Gaining as much information as possible helps raise awareness of the condition and build confidence when making decisions. The first step towards this is to ask questions of the treating fertility doctor. During such conversations, you may discover insights that can improve the condition and enhance the effectiveness of treatments.

    9. Seek Professional Help

    Seeking assistance from a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist specialising in fertility problems, can be extremely beneficial. These professionals can make it easier for patients to cope with the stress and provide access to necessary and appropriate stress management resources. They will address patient-specific concerns and questions while offering personalised guidance and the much-needed support.

    10. Take Care of Each Other

    In India, infertility is still treated as a sensitive issue. While partners may not initiate a blame game, many people find themselves in such situations due to the actions of others. In the midst of all this, couples often overlook each other’s needs. Historically, men have been conditioned to maintain a brave front even in emotionally draining situations, but this doesn’t always need to be the case. This is a time when partners need to support each other and understand each other’s state of mind.

    11. Stay Realistic 

    Last but the most important tip is to expect the best possible result, but it is important to prepare yourself for any possible outcome. Discuss the way forward with your partner, and it’s important not to let infertility get in the way of other aspects of life. Keeping a realistic mentality and accepting the fact that everything may not be under control may be helpful to avoid unnecessary worrying.

    With all that being said, it is also important to maintain a mindset to combat stress and anxiety when the situation seems cloudy. However, it is easier said than done. Taking one small step after the other and seeking help from friends and family can make it easier eventually.

    At Giggles Hospital, working with a highly experienced team of medical professionals can help reduce stress and achieve the goals and milestones of fertility treatments effectively. Our wide range of services can help our patients experience a worry-free treatment and a stress-free start to parenthood.