Women’s Health: Screenings, Tests, and Preventive Measures for Women’s Health

January 29th, 2024 | 10:31 am


Physical, mental, and emotional well-being are all included in the broad category of women’s health. Women are the backbone of families and communities. Hence, prioritising women’s health is not just a personal choice but a societal imperative. Preventive care is crucial throughout a woman’s youth, her reproductive years, menopause, and beyond. It’s possible to maintain your health and get early treatment for any health issues that may occur by adopting a preventative approach. Early detection of a health issue can lead to a simpler, more efficient cure. Even the chances to detect the risk of any disease before it develops can be improved with routine preventative treatment. Preventive care in women’s health consists of immunisations aimed at STI, several blood tests, cancer screening, as well as other procedures. 

Which Health Screenings to Get?

Women’s health screenings are crucial for early detection and prevention of various conditions. Regular screenings can significantly reduce the risk of complications and improve overall health. Here’s a list of essential health screenings:

1. Mammograms

Regular mammograms are essential for breast cancer detection, particularly for women over 40 or with a family history of the disease. In order to get X-ray pictures of the breast tissue, the breast is compressed between plates throughout the test. Beginning at age 50, women must have this screening every two years until they are 74 years old. It is at this point the tests have the greatest likelihood to help them. People in their 40s and 50s who wish to be tested should consult with their doctor.  

2. Pap Smears and HPV Tests

Regular Pap smears help detect abnormal cervical cells, while HPV tests check for the human papillomavirus, a leading cause of cervical cancer. Average-risk women have their first screening at age of 21, and then a baseline screening every three years until they are 30. Women are allowed to stick to that schedule after that, up until age 65. Alternatively, every five years, they can undergo an HPV test just or a test for both HPV and basic cytology. No more Pap smear tests are necessary for women over 65 who have had negative screening results in the past.

3. Bone Density Tests

Postmenopausal women should consider bone density tests to assess the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Starting at age 65, women should get a bone density test to check for osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones. Individuals with a family history of fractures or a low body weight may be at the risk of osteoporosis and should discuss getting screened sooner with their doctor.  

4. Blood Pressure Checks

One of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of mortality in women, is high blood pressure, also referred to as hypertension. One should begin this screening around the age of twenty. You can get your blood pressure checked at least once every two years until the age of forty, and then once a year after that if it is less than the optimal value of 120/80. Should it be higher, you may be advised to get it examined more frequently.

5. Blood Sugar

Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes screening should begin at the age of 35 for adults without diabetes risk factors. Before they conceive or, in the case of an unforeseen pregnancy, during their first prenatal appointment, women who intend to become pregnant should get checked. In addition, between week 24 and week 28, expectant mothers should undergo screening for gestational diabetes.

6. Cholesterol Levels

Regular lipid profile tests help in assessing cholesterol levels, a key factor in cardiovascular health. A lipid panel is a fasting blood test that measures blood fat levels, namely triglycerides and cholesterol, which indicate your risk for heart disease and stroke. Your cholesterol should be checked at least once every five years if you are between the ages of 20 and 65, and more frequently if you are at a high risk of heart disease. Everyone over 65 should have a yearly cholesterol test.

7. Colonoscopy

It’s time to arrange for your first colonoscopy, a screening procedure to detect colon cancer, if you’re 45 years of age or older. Once a colonoscopy is normal, then it is advised to have another one every ten years. You could be instructed to retake the test more often if anything is discovered during this examination.

8. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Tests

Since sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) frequently have no symptoms, you might infect your partner or, if you’re pregnant, your unborn child. You should start getting sexual health screenings as soon as you become sexually active, or earlier if that’s feasible. 

9. Skin Check

Check your skin every month for abnormal moles or colour changes beyond the age of 18, especially if you have pale skin or are frequently exposed to the sun. You should start having annual, full-body skin checks with your dermatologist around the age of 40.

10. Tests for Vitamin Deficiency

For women who are contemplating a pregnancy or who are already pregnant, a vitamin B12 deficiency can have dangerous outcomes. Furthermore, calcium absorption and bone health depend on vitamin D levels. It has been noted that elderly women with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to get bone diseases. Thus, in order to avoid the effects, your doctor may suggest that you get the vitamin levels in your body checked. 

Vaccinations All Women Should Get

Vaccines are essential for safeguarding women’s health at different stages of life. Vaccinations all women should get, include: 

  • HPV Vaccine: Get this vaccination to protect yourself against HPV-related illnesses, including cervical cancer.
  • Influenza Vaccine: This vaccine offers protection against seasonal flu, particularly vital during pregnancy for maternal and foetal well-being.
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine: Suggested for specific demographics to avoid contracting hepatitis B.
  • Varicella Vaccine: Crucial for immunity against chickenpox, especially for those without a prior history of the disease.
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccine: Protects against mumps, rubella, and measles to ensure lifetime immunity.

Preventive Care: Strategies for Well-Being for Women

Take the actions listed below to help yourself live a longer, healthier, and happier life:

Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Embrace a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Stress Management: Adopt stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or counselling to maintain mental and emotional equilibrium.

Regular Vaccinations: Stay up-to-date with vaccinations, including flu shots and those recommended for specific age groups.

Regular Dental and Eye Checkups: Oral and visual health is integral to overall well-being. Regular checkups can help detect and prevent issues concerning oral and visual health. 

Get Yourself Checked: Get vaccinations, preventative examinations, and routine checks done. Also, remember to do self-examinations.

Be Informed: Find out more about illness prevention and ways to remain healthy, and get detailed information about your requirements from your healthcare doctor.


Prioritising your health through proactive screenings, tests, and preventive measures is crucial to ensuring your well-being. By embracing annual well-woman exams and incorporating healthy lifestyle choices, women can empower themselves to take charge of their well-being. Omni Hospitals offer a wide range of specialised services tailored to women’s health, ensuring comprehensive care at every life stage.