National Safe Motherhood Day: Ensuring Safe Pregnancy and Childbirth

April 1st, 2024 | 7:32 am

Being a mother is an adventure with many memories, milestones, and happy moments. The period comes with mixed emotions, including eagerness, fear, and exhilaration. However, with the proper planning and information, understanding prenatal care etiquette, safe delivery, and postpartum care can make you feel secure. Whether you’re an experienced parent or a first-time mom, there are always new things to discover about maintaining your health, happiness, and support system during this life-changing period.

Maintaining a healthy pregnancy requires eating a balanced diet, staying active, and attending regular prenatal visits. In addition, you should avoid chemicals or substances known to be harmful to pregnant women and their unborn children, take a prenatal vitamin high in folic acid, and take breaks when you’re fatigued. If you consume alcohol, you should abstain from it while pregnant, and if you smoke, you should stop. 

Frequent prenatal checkups with a medical professional can assist in detecting and treating any possible side effects, such as hypertension or gestational diabetes. 

On the occasion of National Safe Motherhood Day, we have discussed a few important tips to ensure a safe pregnancy and childbirth in this blog. In addition, we have also discussed how you can take care of yourselves and your baby post-pregnancy.

 Tips to Ensure Safe Pregnancy and Childbirth

Here are six tips to ensure a safe pregnancy: 

  • Regular Prenatal Care: Consistent prenatal checkups are essential for monitoring both the mother’s and baby’s health. These checkups allow healthcare providers to detect and address any potential complications early on, ensuring a safer pregnancy. You can also get your questions answered during these sessions. 
  • Balanced Nutrition: A well-rounded diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains provides essential nutrients for foetal development and maternal health. It is also crucial to avoid excessive caffeine, processed foods, and certain fish high in mercury. The best foods to eat during pregnancy are milk, yoghurt, cheese, lactose-free dairy, and fortified soy beverages such as soy milk or yoghurt. 
  • Stay Active Safely: Regular and moderate exercise can improve circulation, reduce discomfort, and promote overall well-being during pregnancy. Opt for low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga, and consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.
  • Adequate Rest: Expecting mothers should sleep adequately. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night and incorporate relaxation techniques like meditation or gentle stretching to manage stress and promote restfulness.
  • Avoid Harmful Substances: Stay away from alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs throughout pregnancy, as they can pose severe risks to foetal development and maternal health. Additionally, minimise exposure to environmental toxins and discuss any necessary medications with your healthcare provider.
  • Educate Yourself: Having proper knowledge can be helpful. You can take childbirth and parenting classes, read books, and ask for advice from healthcare professionals to prepare for labour, delivery, and caring for your newborn. Also, as the body goes through so many changes, it is essential to understand those changes, as it helps alleviate anxiety and ensure a smoother pregnancy experience.


Here are some of the essential tips to ensure child safety:

  • Regular Prenatal Check-ups: Consistent prenatal care is vital for monitoring the health of both mother and baby. It allows healthcare providers to identify and address potential complications early on, ensuring a safer childbirth.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Maintaining a balanced diet, staying physically active (with doctor’s approval), avoiding harmful substances like alcohol and tobacco, and managing stress contribute to a healthier pregnancy and smoother delivery.
  • Educate Yourself: Attend prenatal classes to learn about childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care. Being informed empowers you to make informed decisions and better cope with labour and delivery challenges.
  • Create a Birth Plan: Discuss your preferences for labour, pain management, and interventions with your healthcare provider. A birth plan ensures that your wishes are known and respected, promoting a more positive childbirth experience.
  • Choose a Supportive Birth Team: Surround yourself with healthcare professionals, family members, or a doula who can provide emotional and physical support during labor and delivery. A supportive birth team can help alleviate anxiety and comfort you throughout the childbirth process.
  • Be Flexible and Open-Minded: Understand that childbirth can be unpredictable, and plans may need to change. Stay flexible and trust your healthcare team to make decisions in the best interest of you and your baby’s health. A positive mindset can significantly impact the childbirth experience.

Postpartum Care

Along with pregnancy and childbirth care, it is essential to understand that postpartum care is equally necessary. This can be a fragile phase for some, especially for new mothers. Here are some tips for postpartum care: 

  • Physical Recovery: Postpartum care involves focusing on the mother’s physical recovery. This includes monitoring and managing any post-birth complications such as bleeding, infections, or pain.
  • Emotional Well-being: It’s crucial to address the emotional well-being of the new mother. Postpartum depression and anxiety are common and should be recognized and treated promptly. Providing emotional support, understanding, and access to counselling if needed is essential.
  • Rest and Nutrition: Adequate rest and proper nutrition are vital for the mother’s recovery and breastfeeding. Taking nutritious meals, hydration, and allowing the mother to rest whenever possible are key components of postpartum care.
  • Breastfeeding Support: For mothers choosing to breastfeed, getting support and guidance with breastfeeding techniques can help establish a successful relationship. Lactation consultants or support groups can offer valuable assistance.
  • Monitoring Baby’s Health: Postpartum care also involves monitoring the newborn’s health and development. This includes regular check-ups with a paediatrician, monitoring feeding patterns and weight gain, and ensuring proper immunizations.
  • Contraception: Discussing contraception options with the mother is essential to prevent unintended pregnancies and allow for adequate spacing between pregnancies. Healthcare providers can offer guidance on suitable contraceptive methods.
  • Self-care and Mental Health: Encouraging self-care activities and prioritising mental health is essential for the mother’s overall well-being. This may include engaging in hobbies, seeking social support, and taking breaks when needed to prevent burnout.

A Few Tips for Baby Care

  • In addition to postpartum care, you must also take care of the baby. Here are some of the tips to take care of your newborn baby: 
  • Feeding: Whether breastfeeding or formula feeding, ensure your newborn is fed on time, typically every 2-3 hours. Burp your baby frequently during and after feeds to prevent gas discomfort. 
  • Diapering: Change your baby’s diaper frequently every 2-3 hours or as soon as it’s soiled. Use gentle wipes or warm water and cotton balls to clean the diaper area, and apply diaper rash cream as needed to prevent irritation. Ensure that your diaper area is clean and dry. 
  • Bathing: Bathe your newborn 2-3 times a week using a mild baby soap and warm water. Use a soft washcloth to gently clean the baby’s body, avoiding the umbilical cord stump until it falls off naturally.
  • Sleeping: Place your baby on their back to sleep on a firm mattress in a crib or bassinet with soft bedding, pillows, or toys. Follow safe sleep guidelines to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • Bonding and Soothing: To foster bonding, spend time cuddling, talking, and making eye contact with your baby. Use gentle rocking, swaddling, or white noise to soothe a fussy baby. Skin-to-skin contact can also help comfort and calm your newborn.
  • Monitoring Health: Monitor your baby’s weight gain, feeding patterns, wet diapers, and overall behaviour. Attend all scheduled paediatrician appointments for routine check-ups and vaccinations to ensure your baby’s health and development are on track. If you notice any concerning symptoms or behaviours, contact your healthcare provider promptly for advice.


Ensuring a safe pregnancy and childbirth is the primary need for the well-being of both mother and baby. Prioritise regular prenatal care, maintain a healthy lifestyle, educate oneself, create a birth plan, and remain flexible. The journey to motherhood can be emotionally taxing, but with proper care tips, you can go through it with greater confidence and security. An expecting mother is advised to be proactive and attentive to physical and emotional needs. This can promote the likelihood of a positive childbirth experience and a healthy start to parenthood.