Myths vs. Facts About Painless Delivery

April 24th, 2024 | 11:06 am

Myths and false beliefs have accompanied childbirth for generations, and the idea of a painless delivery is no different. Couples have begun to embrace the painless, standard vaginal birth methods and abandon the traditional procedures as a result of growing technology and advancements in medical research. An epidural (painless delivery injection) is administered to ensure a painless, normal birth. However, due to their widespread occurrence, a great deal of false information about them is spreading and must be disproven. We will explore what painless delivery actually involves in this post, debunking popular beliefs and examining the myths vs the reality.

What is Painless Delivery?

The goal of normal painless delivery, often referred to as pain-free childbirth or epidural anaesthesia, is to reduce or eliminate the amount of pain that a patient experiences throughout labour and delivery. An epidural is a form of anaesthesia that is used to relieve pain during delivery. In order to adequately numb the lower half of the body and reduce discomfort, an epidural—an injection of anaesthetic into the area around the spinal cord—is administered. This allows the woman to stay awake and conscious during the delivery process. Doctors can provide epidural anaesthetic at any point during childbirth. It requires a consultation with a physician and can be delivered at the beginning, middle, or conclusion of the procedure. It makes the transition to motherhood easier by giving moms the chance to give birth in a more relaxed and stress-free environment.

Myths About Painless Delivery

Choosing a labor pain management technique is a personal choice. You should have access to the information necessary to make an informed decision. Below is a summary of the most widespread misconceptions regarding epidurals for labor pain.

1. Myths – The Pain of Childbirth Is Inherent

Fact – There Are Methods for Managing Pain

One of the most common myths regarding delivery is that it is always tricky and that women must go through agonising pain while in labour. Although labour is undeniably physically taxing, the amount of pain varies widely from person to person and may be efficiently managed using a variety of pain management techniques, such as epidural anaesthetic. It’s critical to understand that everyone has a different threshold for pain and that what hurts one woman may not hurt another as much.

2. Myths – Painless Delivery Endangers the Baby’s Health Significantly

Fact – Compared to IV labour pain medication, epidural medicine is thought to be safer.

Some people worry that using an epidural during labour and delivery might hurt the unborn child or have unfavourable effects. After an extensive amount of research, there is no proof that epidurals cause the infant any serious harm. The medication used for epidurals usually does not pass the placenta in appreciable quantities; therefore, the baby’s health is not significantly impacted. The majority of babies delivered to moms who have had epidurals are healthy and do not show any long-term side effects from the anaesthetic.

3. Myths – Pushing during labor is inhibited by epidurals

Fact – Adjustable Epidurals Allow for Ideal Pushing

The idea that an epidural during labour would make it more difficult for the woman to push and would cause the birth to take longer is a common belief. Epidurals, however, do not considerably hinder the pushing stage of labour, according to studies and clinical experience. Even though epidural anaesthesia might cause a brief loss of feeling or muscular power in some women, trained medical personnel can modify the dosage to provide the best possible pain relief without sacrificing the mother’s capacity to push when the time comes.

4. Myths – The Risk of a C-section Is Increased by Painless Delivery

Fact – An epidural does not make a C-section more likely.

It’s a common misperception that choosing an epidural anaesthetic for a pleasant delivery means that a caesarean section (C-section) will probably be necessary. Studies have indicated that epidurals do not innately increase the chance of a C-section birth. Determining if a C-section is needed depends more on factors, including labour progress, fetal placement, and the mother’s health. Labour pain is reduced by the epidural, but it shouldn’t make things more complicated or stop you from pushing. Pregnancy during an epidural does not result in fetal discomfort or the baby “getting stuck.” When this occurs, it’s possible that the circumstances would have arisen even if the patient has not received an epidural.

5. Myths – Epidurals May Cause Paralysis or Permanent Back Damage

Fact – Epidural nerve injury seldom results in permanent nerve damage.

The possibility of lasting spine injury or paralysis as a long-term consequence of epidural anaesthesia has been questioned. When given by qualified medical experts, epidurals are usually safe. Serious side effects, such as paralysis or irreversible back injury, are pretty rare. When problems do arise, they are generally transient and self-resolving. Significant side effects are typically linked to uncommon medical problems or incorrect dosage.

6. Myths – Intense Postpartum Headache Is Caused by Painless Delivery

Fact – Headaches can occur, although they are rare and manageable.

It is a widely held belief that women who give birth under epidural anaesthesia have an increased risk of experiencing excruciating migraines after giving delivery. After epidural anaesthesia, postpartum headaches are possible, although they are often moderate and go away in a few days with the right care. Infrequently, severe headaches are linked to other variables, including exhaustion, dehydration, or underlying medical disorders. After receiving an epidural, postpartum headache, risk can be reduced with appropriate water and relaxation.

7. Myths – Everyone Can Have a Painless Delivery

Facts – Suitability Is Affected by Individual Factors

Although many women find that epidural anaesthesia significantly reduces their pain during delivery, it’s crucial to understand that not everyone will benefit from or find it to be helpful. Factors including medical history, personal pain threshold, and the stage of labour can impact the viability and effectiveness of painless delivery techniques. Furthermore, unexpected issues or medical concerns could surface during birth, requiring the use of different pain management techniques. Expectant moms should talk to their doctors about their alternatives and be ready to adjust when things change throughout childbirth.


Women now have an excellent choice for controlling labour pain and improving the birthing experience: painless delivery via epidural anaesthesia. It’s crucial to debunk misconceptions and accept the truth regarding normal painless delivery to encourage comfortable birth experiences, improve maternal wellbeing, and encourage informed decision-making. We can enable women to approach delivery with dignity, confidence, and autonomy by dispelling myths and advocating for evidence-based methods. The ultimate objective is to provide a pleasant and empowered birthing experience while prioritising the health and wellbeing of the mother and the child.