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Pediatrics (ADHD)

Your child’s hyperactivity may be a sign of ADHD

Everyone may be restless, intermittent, and suddenly talkative, but when your child finds it difficult to control these symptoms and it begins to interfere with their daily lives, the cause may be Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD. It is a neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder that often persists into adolescence. Symptoms usually appear before 12 years of age and are diagnosed six months after the onset of symptoms.


What Causes ADHD?

Despite the fact that it is the most studied mental disorder in children and adolescents, the exact cause is unknown in most cases. Traditionally, ADHD has been blamed on poor eating habits, watching too much television or not cultivating properly, but recent research also seems to point to a genetic origin. It also runs in families where at least one parent (mother or father) is diagnosed.


What can I expect?

Symptoms can be broadly divided into three main groups – carelessness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Inattention may include your child being distracted, unable to concentrate or paying attention, having difficulty speaking, forgetting daily activities, and being easily distracted. Hyperactivity can include restlessness, difficulty walking or turning around regularly, difficulty doing things quietly and talking too much. Impulsivity includes impatience, waiting to speak or respond, and frequent interruptions to others.


Can my child overcome ADHD?

Children will be able to live longer and more successful lives. Symptoms cannot be eradicated, they will diminish over time. Although ADHD is not curable, it is possible to control and manage it. Treatment may include counseling or medication or a combination of both.


Without a diagnosis in adolescence, adults with ADHD may not know how to manage it. They may have problems with family, relationships, work, which can eventually lead to depression, drug abuse or accidents. They may also experience feelings of frustration and guilt. But with the right treatment, they can live their lives like everyone else. Behavioral management practices and medications can help in dealing with ADHD.


How to care for a child with ADHD

It is difficult to impose conditions on a child, or accept that they have ADHD. Here are some tips to help you:


  • Learn to Assess Your Baby – The
    first person you should consult if you suspect ADHD is a doctor. Many times children exhibit symptoms of disorders with similar symptoms.


  • Accept the fact – even if it’s easy to blame yourself or think something bad has happened to you, do not do it. ADHD is not a disease that lasts a lifetime for a child, but is caused by a disorder in certain areas of the brain. So no one is responsible for this.


  • Find out for yourself – the best way to fix what you don’t understand is to learn more about it! There are groups (like on social media) where people share their experiences on how they live with children with ADHD. Instead of looking at it as a problem, try to find alternative methods for caring for your child.


  • Be the strength of your children –
    Children with ADHD are less likely to go to school and have friends. Communicate with your children regularly and try to understand them better. Spend time with them by playing games or taking them on a vacation.


  • Appreciate them – Not only will
    your children face their own challenges, they will face life like all children. They are not so easy to trust themselves, so it is important that you strengthen their confidence. No matter how small the success, act to let your children know that you appreciate and love them. It helps to strengthen their self-confidence and self-esteem.


  • Avoid
    Punishing  Children with ADHD cannot understand their behavior or consequences. Try not to raise your voice against them or inflict corporal punishment. Try to calmly explain to them what you want to do or what they did wrong and divert their attention to something else.


No two children with ADHD are the same. So none of them exhibit exactly the same traits or behavior. The same child may not exhibit the same behavior more than a few times and they may exhibit new ones. It can be frustrating at times, but try to calm down.

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