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Most cases of diarrhea are caused by an infection in the gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to loose, watery diarrhea more than three times a day. Diarrhea can occur at any age, with young children having an average of twice a year.

Diarrhea can be of two types, severe (lasting a few or several days) or chronic (lasting more than two weeks). Acute diarrhea is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection, while chronic diarrhea is caused by chronic diseases such as infectious bowel syndrome (IBS), lactose intolerance or immunity.

In children, it can occur as a result of bacterial infection, viral infection, food intolerance or allergies, parasites, drug reactions, intestinal disease, functional bowel disorder or surgery of the stomach or gallbladder. Severe diarrhea may indicate a serious underlying disease or condition.

If loose, watery diarrhea with blood or mucus is noticed, it is time to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of diarrhea:

The main symptoms of diarrhea are as follows:

  • Loose, watery diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain / cramps
  • Fever
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Having bowel movement is essential

Your child may need to see a doctor if they have the following symptoms:

  • Demonstrates symptoms for more than 24 hours.
  • Becomes dehydrated
  • If there is bloody or black diarrhea
  • If the fever is higher than 39C
  • If there is diarrhea with blood or pus

Diagnosis of diarrhea:

Several methods / tests are used to diagnose the cause (s) of diarrhea:

  • Ask about the condition and duration of symptoms.
  • You will be asked about the consistency, appearance and color of the tables.
  • To rule out the effect of medications (s), ask about current and past medical conditions and medications being taken.
  • Blood test: It helps to identify the cause of diarrhea.
  • Stool test: Stool test can detect the presence of blood, bacteria, parasites or underlying diseases or disorders.

People suffering from this condition have irritation and inflamed stomach and intestines. GE usually affects young children.

Treatment of diarrhea:

Most cases of diarrhea resolve on their own within a few days without treatment. If the diarrhea is caused by bacteria or parasites, antibiotics may be prescribed. Antibiotics kill both the good and bad bacteria in the gut, so probiotics are also advised later.

To replenish fluids and maintain electrolyte levels, it is advisable to drink fruit juice, or rehydration solution.

Admission and patient treatment are advised if the child is dehydrated or has other related problems. Antidepressant medications are usually not given to children.

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